Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Secrets and Lies (Lies Mystery Book 4) - Andrew Cunningham, Author

Los Lobos Guacamole

5 Ripe Hass Avocados, seeded and chopped
1/4 cup medium red onion, diced
3/4 cup medium tomato, cored and sliced
3 tbsp fresh cilantro, chopped
1 tsp chili serrano, seeded and chopped
1 tbsp jalapeno, seeded and chopped
1/8 cup fresh lime, juiced

Mix it all together and salt to taste.

Secrets and Lies ("Lies" Mystery Thriller Series Book 4) - Review by Martha A. Cheves

They crept up the stairs.  There were three apartments in the three-story building.  They wanted the one on the second floor.  It was an old building and the stairs creaked a bit.  He tried to step on the outside part of the step.  They were less likely to creak.  But it was the middle of the night and they had seen from the street that the lights were off in all three apartments.  Hopefully they were all sound sleepers.

The explosion literally knocked us out of bed.  But seconds after the explosion, we found ourselves on the floor, me on my side of the bed and Sabrina on hers.  What most likely happened was that we instinctively moved to safety at the thunderous sound.  In the couple of years we had been together, Sabrina and I had been shot at so many times, we were probably working on sheer muscle memory.  If you hear a loud noise that sounds suspiciously like a gunshot, chances are it is, so you move - fast - even when you're asleep.

Del Honeycutt and bestselling author Sabrina Spencer have just experienced a gunshot that will open their world to more mysteries and secrets they either could have imagined.  They will learn the full story behind the grouchy guy living in the building known as Seymour and the beautiful, gay, second-grade teacher known as Mo.  That one gunshot will take them through the Everglades as they try to solve the mystery of a plane crash that happened twenty years earlier, along with solving the mystery of what everyone was searching for then and now. 

I've read all of the "Lies" Mystery books and they just keep getting better and better.  This one really took me by surprise as I learned the secrets and the reasons behind the secrets.  So... looking for a real, on the edge book, I recommend, not just book 4 but all of the "Lies" books.  I don't think you'll be disappointed.

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