Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Snow Falls - Bobby Nash, Author

Snow Ice Cream
(This is a simple recipe if you live in an area where it snows).

Vanilla extract

When the snow starts to fall, place a large, clean bowl outside to collect the snowflakes. When full, all you have to do is stir in the sugar and vanilla to taste then stir in just enough milk for the desired consistency. It will begin to melt quickly so once you make it, serve it and enjoy. Perhaps you can even enjoy it while reading a Snowy adventure.

(I remember eating this when I was a kid. Martha)

Snow Falls - Review by Martha A. Cheves, Author of:  Stir, Laugh, Repeat; Think With Your Taste Buds; and A Book and A Dish

Abraham Snow wasn't the superstitious type.  That said, but spending so much time undercover, always under the threat of being found out, had made him sensitive to his surroundings  It was little more than intuition, a hunch that started as a tickle at the base of his brain.  He had learned to listen to those hunches.  More than once they had saved his life.  Standing in the middle of the lobby of that beautiful five-star hotel, surrounded by enough security to protect a small nation, that familiar warning make itself heard.  Whatever it was that set him on edge wasn't readily apparent.  Maybe his subconscious had picked up on something that his conscious mind hadn't yet detected.  He couldn't explain it, but there was danger lurking nearby.

Like his grandfather Archer Snow, Abraham Snow was one for excitement that took him deep undercover for any job he undertook.  But all things must come to an end so when someone sells him out to the target he was trying to get close to, his life almost came to an end, leaving him no choice but to head to his grandfathers' home for a little R&R.

What Snow didn't expect was the hotel his grandfather's family business was protecting to be hit by a sniper.  Their target being no one other than Owen Salizar, owner of Salizar Biotechnix.  A man the U.S. had been after for some time for laundering cash and supporting multiple terrorist groups and militant governments in exchange for business favors.  So far they haven't had enough proof to shut him down.

This book took me one night to read.  It is a short book but it's also one that was packed with action and I had a bit of trouble putting it down until finished.  It is book one in a series and left me wanting to know more about the man that almost killed Snow, as well as the sniper who went after Salizar.  You can bet I'll dig into book two in the near future.

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